Change Your Mind!

Only you can decide header

Have you ever considered the power of a single thought?  I just love the quote by Henry Ford that says, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right!”

I remember as a young girl hearing my mom say, “Change your attitude Michaela” (not that I ever had a poor attitude growing up…HA).  I remember thinking, How can I just go and change my attitude?  This is how I’m feeling, and this is how it is.

I’ve come to realize how important it is to keep my thoughts under close reign and daily inspection.  My thoughts so closely dictate my feelings, which in turn predict what my actions will be.  If I think I can tackle a project,  and that God has equipped me to do it, I find that I’m most likely correct.  I then feel like I can accomplish the task at hand and my actions usually follow suit.  The same is true if I feel like I can’t tackle something, am not good enough for it, or someone else can do it better.  If I continue to dwell on those thoughts for long…surprise, I’m usually right!

As educators (whether at school or home… *hint* if you are a mom, you are an educator) we have such a high calling to shape and mold the minds of young people.  It’s easy to be encapsulated by fear and thoughts of defeat in the days of potty training, character-building, holding boundaries, standards, testing, parents, classroom management, master’s degrees, doctorates, young teachers, older teachers…etc.  It seems more straightforward for us to recognize when our children are having a poor and defeated attitude and move to correct it, than often to see it in ourselves.  It’s mind-boggling (literally) what an influence our defeated mindset can have on our kids and those around us, but at the same time, what a positive and “can-do” spirit can have.

As many are beginning this new school year, let’s challenge each other to take some time each day to do a “thoughts check”.  Check out what direction your thinking is headed, and if neccessary change your mind!

You just may be in for the best year yet…or the worst… either way–you’re right!

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About Shae

Heart Teacher, Daughter of the King, Musician, Teammate, Mommy, Crafter, Adventurer, Kingdom Persuer, Healthy Eater, Gift Giver and Work-in-Progress.

4 thoughts on “Change Your Mind!

    1. Shae Post author

      Thanks Merritt! I feel like I needed to write this as a reminder to myself more than anything. I’m so glad it helped you as well. It’s a daily process! 🙂


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