Every Day can be Earth Day!

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I absolutely love Earth Day!  It is one of my favorite times of year.  From learning about recycling to digging in the dirt, Earth Day activities emphasize taking care of our earth.  My husband and I help run a community garden at our church and are big on sustainable living.  We LOVE to LOVE the Earth.

It’s even more exciting to get kids involved in caring for the earth and taking ownership of their little piece of it.  I wanted to create a unit that would engage kids with fun characters that explain some different aspects of caring for the earth.  It’s created around the 5 R’s!  I’m sure you’ve heard of the 3 R’s growing up (Recycle, Reduce, Reuse), but the 5 R’s adds 2 new R’s to the mix.

The 5 R’s include: Refuse(What you do not need), Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot (Compost)!

In this unit “Earth Day Fun with the 5 R’s Team” students will dive in to the 5 R’s with the 5 R’s Team.  Each mini-book features a different character that explores the 5 R’s on a level that children will enjoy and understand!

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5 posters are also included with this set so that students can have visual reminders of each “R” and what they can do for each.

Earth Day Activities for Kids

Students will bring their thoughts together in one place as they make their own 5 R’s mini-book to remind them about each R and what they can do for each to make a difference.

Did you know that the whole month of April is Earth month? Don’t feel like you can’t do these activities if you missed April 22.  Remember, you can study about how to take care of the earth every day of the year because “Every day can be Earth Day, when you care for the earth daily!”.

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About Shae

Heart Teacher, Daughter of the King, Musician, Teammate, Mommy, Crafter, Adventurer, Kingdom Persuer, Healthy Eater, Gift Giver and Work-in-Progress.

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