Day 1: It’s All in Your Head!

Day 1 31 Ways to Heart Edu 2Have you ever noticed that when you’re having “one of those days” everything seems to pile up and go wrong, and of course all of your students seem to jump on board?  Have you equally been aware of a day that is going great, and recognized that even when minor problems come up you are able to solve them and move on with your “great day”?

Turning a bad day around is not easy!  We tell our children that if they want to accomplish a new or difficult feat they have to “put their mind to it”.  Guess what?  We do too!

Our minds are central to where we are headed that day.  Negative thoughts and self-talk are sure to steer us right towards an imminent bad day.  “Great, I’m late again.”   “Why can’t I get this right?” “We’ve practiced this for 180 days, why can’t you get it?” “I’ll never be as good as…” “This job is awful.”  etc etc etc.

However, if you tell yourself positive words and affirmation they’ll most likely come true as well.  Try one of these: “I love my kids.”  “I’m late today, but I’m going to make it a priority to be on time.”  “I can do this!”  “God has equipped me for this job.”  “I’m a unique person with unique talents and abilities.”  “I’m glad to be me.”  “I will embrace this time and season.”

Loving education starts with you and your head!  Positive thoughts can make all the difference between a bad day and a great one.  Problems are SURE to arise, but with the right thoughts you can solve them and move on.

Will you choose a few positive “self-talk” comments you are going to tell yourself throughout the day today?  See if it makes a difference.  Who knows…all of your students just may decide to jump on board!

About Shae

Heart Teacher, Daughter of the King, Musician, Teammate, Mommy, Crafter, Adventurer, Kingdom Persuer, Healthy Eater, Gift Giver and Work-in-Progress.

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